Have you ever felt invigorated, awake and alert while hiking on a high mountain trail or while walking along the shoreline of an ocean?
If you have, then you’re already familiar with the beneficial effects and feelings associated with breathing air filled with high concentrations of ions. Ions are essential to the natural process of air purification and essential to healthy living. Typically, clean outdoor air contains 2000–3000 ions per cubic centimeter. However, on average, people spend 90% of their time indoors. And, according to the US Environmental Protection Agency, the air inside our homes, schools and offices is often two to five times more polluted than the outside air. Inside a building with natural ventilation, the number of ions drops below 500/cm3, and in most buildings with ducted air-conditioning systems, air ion levels above 100/cm3 are rare. These low ion environments contribute to fatigue, exacerbate breathing issues and contribute to overall poor health.
Phenomenal Aire Cold Plasma Generator technology can offer the same feeling of a hike on a high mountain trail or a stroll along the ocean’s edge… without leaving home or work.