Miscellaneous Articles

Why Is My Thermostat Blank?

November 22, 2024
Why Is My Thermostat Blank? Photo of a thermostat mounted on a wall with a blank screen.

It is an “Oh no!” moment when you approach your home’s thermostat and see its screen is blank.

Is it serious? Does it mean your furnace, heat pump, or air conditioning is broken? Not necessarily. In fact, most of the time, it is something minor and can be easily fixed.

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Thermostats 101

September 13, 2024
Thermostats 101. One orange wall with a digital thermostat panel.

When you adjust the temperature setting, your thermostat monitors the room or rooms it’s set up in. Each time the air dips below or exceeds the target temperature, your thermostat sends an electric signal to your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment. Once it reaches that temperature, your thermostat tells your air control equipment to go on standby.

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